Automation Test Pro
Functional Testing, API testing, Performance Testing, SQL, Database Testing, Compatibility Testing, Tools support for testing
Registration Ends on April 22nd, 2022
more than 100 students rate this course 5 stars globally
Why Should You Enroll?
Software Testing is the fastest growing segment of Software Services growing at over 50% every year. This has resulted in increased demand for trained Automation Software Testing professionals. Software Testing professionals are expected to grow to over 250,000 professionals by 2020 from about 75,000-90,000 professionals currently.
Ask yourself, if a stream offers you:
- Little Programming Knowledge/Skill Requirement
- Average upto Rs. 30,000/-* Monthly Salary
- Less than a quarter to be prepared
Why Shouldnt You Be In It???? Read on to know what is at offer.
What will you learn in this software testing training?
- How to write automated tests from the scratch
- Learn how to develop keyword based and data driven frameworks
- Training beginning from essentials to cutting edge testing procedures
- Best suitable for intermediate to experienced test engineers and who learn faster when demonstrated
- Build on your own an automation test framework that works
- You’d be prepared to lead automation efforts in your organization
JAVA Syllabus
All course – 5 Units
- 1st Unit
Course: Basic Java
- Data Types and Variables
- Operators
- Decision Making
- Loops
- Classes and Objects
- Class Constructors
- String & It’s Operations
Skills You Get: Basics Of JAVA
Course: JAVA (OOPS Concept)
- Modifiers – Access Modifiers
- Modifiers – Non Access Modifiers
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Encapsulation
- Abstraction
- Interface
Skills You Get: JAVA (OOPS Concept)
Course: Advance JAVA
- Java Arrays
- Java Collection (List)
- Java Hash Map
Skills You Get: Advance JAVA
Selenium Course Agenda
All course – 5 Units
- 2nd Unit
Section 1: Selenium Introduction
- Selenium History, Selenium IDE introduction in detail with real time examples
- Introduction to latest version of Web driver, Basic Methods
- Selenium 1.0/2.0/3.0 Webdriver Architecture
Skills You Get: Selenium Introduction
Section 2: Installation & Configuration
- Java Installation
- Eclipse Installation & Configuration
- Configure Eclipse with Web Driver
- Selenium Jars Download/ Configuration
- Selenium Project Setting up
Skills You Get: Installation & Configuration
- 3rd Unit
Section 3: Basic Concepts for First Web driver Program
- ntroduction to Web driver Interface
- Concept of Browser Drivers
- Basic Methods of Web driver
- Introduction to Gecko Driver
- Running Tests in Google Chrome
- Running Tests in Internet Explorer(Edge Driver)
Skills You Get: Basic Concepts for First Web driver Program
Section 4: Locator Techniques & Tools Used
- Locator Technique1 (Name, ID, Linktext, Partial link Text, Classname)
- Locator Technique2 (Xpath, CSS)
Skills You Get: Locator Techniques & Tools Used
- 4rth Unit
Section 5: Advanced Ways: Locating Objects
- Writing Customized Xpath
- Writing Customized CSS
- Advance Xpath
Skills You Get: Advance Ways
Section 6: Techniques to Automate Web UI
- Handling Dropdowns, with real time examples
- Handling Java Alerts, Pop-ups, with real time examples
- Handling Radio Buttons, with real time examples
- Handling Check Boxes
Skills You Get: Techniques to Automate Web UI
- 5th Unit
Section 7: Techniques to Automated Advanced Web UI
- Handling Ajax/ Mouse Interactions, Actions Class real time examples
- Handling Multiple Windows
- Handling Frames
- Frame Identification Technique real time examples
Skills You Get: Techniques to Automated Advanced Web UI
Section 8: Selenium Advance
- Synchronization Problem- Implicit Wait, Explicit Wait in detail
- Maximizing Window, Deleting Cookies
- Killing the process and Cookies using selenium
- Capturing Screenshots in Selenium
Skills You Get: Selenium Advance
- 6th Unit
Section 9: Selenium Advance
- Data Driven
- Reading data from excel using Apache POI
- Reading different types of data from excel
- Creating excel using Apache POI
Skills You Get: Selenium Advance
Section 10: TestNG Framework
- Introduction
- Install TestNG
- First Test Case with TestNG
- TestNG Test Suite
- Annotations, Groups & DependOn
- Test Cases Prioritizing & Sequencing
- TestNG Reporters & Asserts
- TestNG Parameters & Data Provider
- TestNG DataProvider with Array
- XML in TestNG
- Running Multiple tests using XML
- TestNG Listeners
Skills You Get: TestNG Framework
- 7th Unit
Section 11: TestNG Framework Advance
- Running test parallel(Basic)
- TestNG Parameterization
- Running Test parallel using Hash Map
- Dropdown example with List Collections
Skills You Get: TestNG Framework Advance
Section 12: Page Object Model (POM)
- By Object
- Page Factory
Skills You Get: Page Object Model (POM)
- 8th Unit
Section 13: Integration of Selenium with other Tools (Maven)
- Integrate Selenium with Maven
- Installation & configuration of Maven
- Introduction to Pom.xml file
- Selenium Dependencies
Skills You Get: Integration of Selenium with other Tools (Maven)
Section 14: Integration of Selenium with other Tools (Jenkin)
- Integrate Selenium with Jenkins
- Installation & configuration of Jenkins
- Running build in Jenkins
Skills You Get: Integration of Selenium with other Tools (Jenkin)
Section 15: AutoIT
- Introduction to Auto IT & Why Auto IT
- How to upload files in selenium WebDriver using Auto IT
- How to handle Window Authentication Using Auto IT
Skills You Get: AutoIT
You'll get:
What happens after course completion – class room training?
- You will be offered a live project
- You have to submit the project as per given schedule
- The project will be evaluated and certificate shall be issued to you
- Placement process starts thereafter
Your Trainer
Mr. Younus Poonawala
Founder and Lead Trainer
Mr. Prafull Barve
Lead Automation Instructor
If you have an eye for detail and believe in a process oriented approach, this training program will suit your tastebuds. You will be trained by the experts on various tips and tricks in how a software is tested and quality assurance is achieved. You may also appear for the International Software Testing an Quality Board (ISTQB) examination.
Would you like to become a tester?
Other Software Testing Courses Offered At Edu Art
Starts at Rs. 14,999/- only
- No Programming Knowledge/Skill Requirement
- Average upto Rs. 30,000/-* Monthly Salary
- Less than a quarter to be prepared
Starts at Rs. 19,999/- only
- No Programming Knowledge/Skill Requirement
- Average upto Rs. 30,000/-* Monthly Salary
- Less than a quarter to be prepared
This is what happens when you learn at Edu Art
I did my Test Pro course with Edu Art. In less than 3 months I understood what testing is. I am from non I.T (Electronics & Telecommunication) background. The faculties are industry experts and always helpful.
They helped me understand each and every concept and also guided me with training and placements. They offer really nice companies to work with.
I am now working for international company and I highly recommend doing software testing training at Edu Art.
Neha Jain
Aug 2021
Answering your common questions
Our classes are held on both weekdays as well as weekends at convenient hours to make ourselves accessible to students and working professionals alike. Each session is 1.5 hours to 2 hours long during weekdays and 3 hours long during weekends.
We make sure you learn things by doing and not the other way around. We provide you hands-on experience by assigning you not a demo but real-world projects with real implications.
We’ll always bring you up to speed on any lesson or class that you’ve missed or arrived late to. We never compromise on your individual progress. We allocate a parallel software testing class of the lecture you missed or cover it up individually for you
We make tall claims because we live by them! If you, at any point, feel dissatisfied with our service, within 7 days of joining can write to us and we’d refund you for the class.
With over 14 years of experience in testing, our professional instructors do not believe in merely teaching what software testing is all about but imparting knowledge that you can build on to further succeed in this path.
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Some companies that our students placed with
Corporates Hiring for Software Testers
- Direct Hiring from Companies, no agencies in between
- Extensive Interview and Resume Preparation
- Unlimited calls for students, forever.
- No fee charged to the corporate or the student for placements
What our students tell about the software testing training at Edu Art
There are hundreds of software testing training success stories that we are proud of. Each student leaves satisfied.
Are there any further questions that needs our attention
In continous pursuit of offering great job and educational opportunities we have a team of professionals waiting to hear from you.